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Witch cult - world view

Witches believe in the spiritual forces in nature and communicate with them by connecting with their own personal nature spirit. In other words: They connect with their inner power, as part of the natural force, in order to communicate with the rest of nature by means of it.


In order to connect with the inner power, they put themselves in an ecstatic state. Aids for this are e.g. dance, drum music, drugs. This type of ecstasy cult was also known in antiquity and was still widespread among the people in the Middle Ages and was demonized, persecuted and fought by the church from the middle of the 14th century. In the 'dark' Middle Ages, communication is not limited to people. Communication takes place with plants, animals, spirits, demons, the dead, saints, martyrs as well as god and goddess. " The world is completely animated and enchanted. " (Schwanitz, Die Geschichte Europas )


Even today, in some areas of Greece, the former land of the goddesses Aphrodite and Artemis, with ecclesiastical tolerance and under ecclesiastical auspices (feast of Saint Constantine) with the entire community, the spring festival Anthestaria is celebrated in an ecstatic way, during which one dances for three days and finally walking over glowing coals in an ecstatic state without burning your feet.

The return of life force to nature was ecstatically celebrated in this way in spring and taken over into one's own life to strengthen one's own soul power.


The worldview from antiquity continued in the Middle Ages (at least 1000 years). In addition, since the collapse of the Roman Empire with the migration of peoples, the ecstasy cults of the nomadic tribes who immigrated from Asia continued to spread throughout Europe and were increasingly in competition with the worldview of the rising power of the Christian church, which strictly denied a paradise in this world in harmony with nature and vilified the natural in man as sin.


Since the beginning of modern times and the development from the feudal to the monetary economy, the rejection by the church has also been accompanied by the political will of the secular authorities, "... to be able to shape all areas of human existence 'rationally' according to cold, calculable rules ..." . ( Golowin )


It has remained that way to this day. A one-sided emphasis on the rational led to technical progress on the one hand, but also to the mental impoverishment of modern man on the other.

In our degenerate society without a spiritual connection to nature, the destruction of nature through technical progress, e.g. by means of AI , has assumed huge proportions and thus inevitably the decline of the entire human race as a consequence. Because if you make yourself dependent on AI, you completely betray your own divine nature and become the plaything of the environment, a slave to the dead things outside. This also makes you a dead thing.

However, we were not born to be determined and objectified by others, but to balance our fate and to perfect our humanity. This is only possible through the further development of our consciousness in the sense of expanding the limit of consciousness into the irrational or, in other words: shifting the limit of perception into the supersensible.

The art of witches therefore consists in balancing both areas, the rational (tonal) and the irrational (nagual). The boundary between these two areas is the fence that the witch sits on.


For modern society, however, it is high time for a return to the spiritual forces of nature and the natural forces (e.g. self-healing power) in humans.


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